Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I spend a great deal of time on Facebook.  Initially, I started using it as a way to get back in touch with old friends, and I found a great number of those.  It has been so nice to talk to people that I knew as a young person and see how their lives have changed over the years.  Over time, however, I learned that people with like thoughts and experiences joined together in groups on Facebook to discuss mutual interests and to provide support to one another.  It was this discovery which has really enriched my life.

I belong to a couple of different support groups and have made friends that I cannot live without, even though I have never met them face to face.  One of the groups that I hold dear is for people suffering with chronic pain.    I have made friends from all over the world, and I have learned that I'm not alone in dealing with the issues that I face on a daily basis.  Most of the people that I have gotten to know are around my age, give or take a few years.  We find that despite the fact that we may be from different countries and cultures, we have so much in common, regardless of our initial shared suffering.

There is one person that I have become friends with who is only 18 years old.  Her name is Sushmita and she is from India.  I was first drawn to Sush because of her age.  My children are around the same age, and I felt an immediate motherly impulse towards her.  It was hard for me to imagine one of my boys living with the chronic pain of my condition, and I have to admit, this led me to feel sorry for this sweet girl.  Sush has suffered with chronic pain for most of her life.  But the more we talked, I stopped feeling sorry for her and started to admire her.

It would be so easy for this young woman to sit around and feel sorry for herself, but you never get that impression from talking to her.  Of course, like all of us who deal with chronic pain, Sush is frustrated with her condition and would give just about anything to be cured.  We all feel that way!  But every time I talk with her, I see her strength.  I have gotten to know a young lady who constantly strives to live her life as normally as possible.  I have gotten to know a girl who has a positive attitude despite the suffering that she endures.  It would be so easy for her to decide that her situation is hopeless, but not Sushmita!  She inspires me to try and be the best that I can be, and not to let this condition beat me.

When Sush and I first started talking with one another, I thought that I was going to be someone to inspire and encourage her!  And, I do try and encourage her, but I really don't think she needs it.  Her upbeat personality and zest for life inspire me, and I feel blessed to have found her.  I pray that someday, my young friend will find something to deliver her from the pain that she deals with day in and day out.  I don't know if I would have had her strength of spirit at her age.  I have often told her that I think of her as a daughter, and that is true.  But, I also think of her as a friend and an inspiration.  I just wish more people could know Sushmita.  I think if they did, they would see proof that our disabilities don't have to limit us.  And they would be blessed for knowing this very special young woman.

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