Monday, October 7, 2013

Cherish the Good Days

Living with chronic pain is, if nothing else, a challenge.  We often struggle to do the things that we want to do, and force ourselves to do the things we have to do.  And, sometimes, we just have to realize that we can't do either one.  We have to learn to accept the limitations that our conditions force on us.  I have for years said that if you don't won't to see my dirty house, don't come over.  Of course, I say it half jokingly, but deep down inside, it really is an embarrassment that I can't keep my house in the shape that I really want to.  But once in awhile, the god's smile on us and we have that rarest of all things - a really good day!

Good days come with a lessening of the pain that we live with on a day to day basis.  The pain is still there, but it isn't as intense as it usually is.  Speaking for myself, a good day often either starts or ends with a good night's sleep.  Sleep is often a very rare occasion for so many of us.  We almost feel like our old selves again!  Good days can lead to feelings of euphoria, and a desire to do as many things as we possibly can, whether it be cleaning, shopping, cooking, or any of the many things which we often forgo because of the pain that they can either bring on or increase.  It's important to take it slow and not push ourselves too hard, and that is probably the hardest thing to remember when we are having a good day.

Today, I had one of those good days!  I actually slept for four hours last night, and when I woke up at 5:00 this morning, I felt like I had slept.  After feeling really achy all weekend long, I was quite surprised to discover that things felt pretty good this morning!  I got up and made coffee, and for a change, I enjoyed the quiet of the early morning.  Because the weather has turned cool after a weekend full of nothing but rain, I put on my fluffy winter robe and curled up in my recliner with a steaming mug of coffee.  I managed to read part of the book that I started this weekend, and I spent some time talking to friends in one of my support groups.  I didn't want to really let the thought fully form, but it felt like that start of a good day!

Jack had a doctor's appointment this morning and I had a couple of other errands.  Ordinarily, I dread the days when I know that I have to get out and run errands.  But as I sat there in my chair, drinking my coffee, I realized that I actually wasn't totally dreading getting out.  Once I started moving around, I also realized that I wasn't hurting quite as bad as I normally do in the mornings!  This day was really looking up!  Jack and I left the house with him driving.  We went from place to place, and I didn't even have to use my cane!  Once we got home, I took my medicine and then went in and took a nap.  Yep, it has been a really good day!

The thing that we have to remember when we have good days is not to overdo it.  There is a great temptation to try and cram everything into a good day that we haven't been able to do up to that point.  Doing six loads of laundry, washing all the dirty dishes, vacuuming the house, mowing the lawn, and shopping is not the best way to handle a good day.  As a friend of mine reminds us, don't forget to take baby steps!  My advice, when faced with a really good day is do something you really want to do.  Yes, I had to run several errands today, and I'm glad that I was able to take care of them without causing myself a huge increase in pain.  But the very best part of my day was spending time with my son.  I hope that the next time each of you finds yourself faced with a good day that you take time to do something just for you!  Believe me, you deserve it!

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